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tv   ABC 7 News at 11PM  ABC  September 2, 2010 10:00pm-10:35pm PST

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about an east bay murder spree. come up next, where police will begin searching for a possible fifth victim first thing tomorrow morning. >> and the dog lost for seven years then traced to a san francisco woman through a micro chip. tonight what is preventing
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>> tonight we have new information about the confrontation that may have sparked that murder rampage in the east bay. >> and late breaking news about the search for a possible fifth victim. amy is live at hercules with up to the minute details on this amy? >>reporter: dan, hercules police now turning their attention to the land fill. they have asked several other bay area agencies to help them search the land fill in pittsburgh tomorrow morning. they are looking for frederick solace who disappeared about a weak after getting into a fight inside this hercules home. everyone else involved in the fight is now dead.
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walked away from the fight with a black i.he told police one of his girlfriends tenants 73-year-old riccardo solace woke him up and started punching him. the police officer wrote in his report i saw riccardo on top of vald lice face down on the floor. he was naked. riccardo son 35-year-old frederick solace joined in in the fight. but both father and son told police it was vald who attacked. the of is0 sum raised their side of the story like this. when vald got out of bed he attacked riccardo by punching him in the face several times. riccardo told me he had to defend himself so he fought back. riccardo went to vald moore room to confront him about a letter vald moore had rip telling riccardo to stay out of vald moore relationship with girl friend cindy tran. in the letter vald moore called riccardo a liar and back stabber. vald
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moore claimed to be the victim in this fight. but friends of cindy tran portray him as intimidating. >> very last time i saw her alive was in there and he coward over her. >>reporter: perhaps his remain from the fight continued to build. and motivated him to kill. one week after the confrontation riccardo solace was found beaten to death inside the hercules home. police blamed vald moore. they also think he strangled cindy tran. they don't know if he did anything to frederick solace but they have their suspicions. solace is missing. his co-workers at doctor medical center in san pablo worried. >> everybody is so sad. everybody is so sad. don't know what happened. and as i told you i'm praying for his recovery. the body or whatever. i hope that we find him. >>reporter: police report is too much to handle for the residents laiving near the hercules home where the fight
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and murder took place. >> really shocking. alarming. scary. >>reporter: and she tells us she is still very afraid even though vald moore was shot and killed in a confrontation with police, there is still one man missing and it makes her very nervous. she's not walking the neighborhood any more and she's having nightmares. but police may be closing in on the missing man whereabouts. they are going to search the land fill at 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. live in hercules, tomorrow morning. live in hercules, amy, abc 7 news. all right amy thank you. this complicated also involves 2 other victims. mark and allen acquaintance of vald moore inside the home. allen husband charles is now in jail facing charges of possessing a collection of chemicals and explosives including some radioactive material. for the past 16 years he has worked with women cal engineer at
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goodrich in fair field and expected in court tomorrow to face charges. he told authorities the items came from his job but doors say they checked and that's not true. depleted your any um may be among the items. >> atf located a container which was labeled depleted your any um. they are not sure i spoke to them this morning they are not sure what the item is until analyzed you're any um. they can't confirm or deny if that's what it was. >>reporter: depleted has number of industrial uses. police won't speculate on what he planned to do with it. >> sitting out there right now. downed plane stuck in the lagoon in the middle of a busy business district. plane crashed and killed 3 people today on the peninsula will stay where it is overnight. one of the victims bay area businessman and world war ii veteran. lisa is live with the latest on the story. >>reporter: the investigation into what caused this plane to
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suddenly go down is just now beginning. but just seconds after it took off police are wondering what happened? it was en route to san martin. those nearby say they heard a boom then a crash. >> the shock is hard to hide for those standing near the redwood shores lagoon today. 3 people died after twin engine beechcraft queen plane came screaming out of the sky and crashed. >> we saw the whole building shake when it came over. i'm sorry it was pretty close. >> when at the height angle of attack i thought he need to level out. then when he did the rollover i thought that's it. it's over. i need to call this in. i reached for my phone and called 911. >>reporter: before help could arrive kayaker fishermen and strangers on the shore rushed that the water. >> 3 people on the shore jumped in. swam toward. as close as they could. there was a lot of gas. fuel. couldn't get right up close to it. >>reporter: plane belonged to 92-year-old robert borrow man. officials say he and the
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pilot are still in the plane. the bodies can't be removed until the ntsb arrives tomorrow. the but the body of a female passenger was recovered. >> b 17 pilot during the war. he was quite competent. >>reporter: friends say he had 2 passion ins life. flying and the east palo alto steel company he founded 56 years ago. tonight a sign hangs from the door. the company will be closed tomorrow. the lagoon will also be closed. 250 gallons of fuel filtd already contaminated diamond channel today. last week 48,000 gallons of sewage spilled into much of the lagoon including this same area. >> it was our hope that we would have the lagoon open up for recreational use again by the labor day weekend. >>reporter: now that there's a plane in it more than likely that will not happen. >>reporter: signs are up saying the lagoon is off limits but still several tests necessitated to be done to
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measure the new level of contamination. live in the south bay bureau, abc 7 news. san carlos city council voted tonight to out source its police department to the san mateo county shaivrps department. item a move aimed at saving the city about two million dollars a year. under the agreement all san carlos police officers will become sheriff's deputy without any lost pay or benefit. san carlos police station would become a sheriff station and police chief would become a sheriff captain. now up to the board of supervisors to sign off on this deal. >> starting saturday private security guards will be patrolling santa cruz alongside police. the department has trained 3 guards to help keep an eye on downtown in the early morning and early afternoon hours. they have radio and call for back up if there's trouble. won't be carrying guns. this is a one month pilot program that is costing the police department about 5000 dollars. hurricane earl is side swiping the north carolina
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coast with powerful wind and rain tonight. we can show you live picture from kill devil hill on the outer pwavrjt earl lost some of the steam since this morning. wind going from 140 to 105 miles per hour now. it has been downgraded to category 2. but brief periods of hurricane force winds is possible as the eye passes by to the east as of tonight the only evacuation are in the outer banks. real concern now is the storm surge which is expected to peak at 3 to 5 feet. less than 5 months after the bp disaster trouble on another oil rig in the gulf of mexico. the 13 crew members escaped a blast on the rig by leaping off the platform. no serious injuries. there you see them in the water. after initially reporting oil sheen the coast guard now says there was no spill. the houston base company that owner the oil rig says it was a fire not an explosion and says just a small portion of the platform actually burned. despite all the smoke and flames you see
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there. whatever it was cause is under investigation. rig is 100 males off the louisiana coast and couple hundred miles away from the bp oil rig sky still ahead tonight. lost for 7 years and found by the vet. next what is stopping the the dog from being reunited with its san francisco owner. >> also ahead. highly anticipated report on whether pg&e and its smart meters are working properly. we have done everything that we could possibly do about picker arizona governor says this was the longest 16 seconds of her life. painful debate after this. >> all that coming up. later on "nightline". >> coming up next on "nightline". hurricane earl crashes ashore. we have the damage report live footage of the massive waves and latest on the path. plus the radio host that says the government is poisoning your water to make you dumber. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
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>> closed captioning brought to you by mancini sleepworld. >> seven years after the dog
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disappeared a san francisco woman was he lateed to learn her pet found. she got words thanks to the micro chip implanted to the dog but before she could get to the vet office he gave the dog away. mark has the tale of frustration. mark. >>reporter: the dog is stolen. file a police report. you wait. for years. finally you get a call from a vet saying we found your dog. only it had he saided there. >> a little girl if she was part of the family. >>reporter: she was crushed when her dog was stolen seven years ago. and elated when just 9 days ago she got a call in the middle of the night that her dog had been found. >> little girl has been found you need to pick her up at the emergency vet hospital. >>reporter: she rushed to the veterinary clinic where the dog had been scanned and micro chip found. but by the time she got there the dog was gone. given back to the couple that brought it in. >> they were still wanting to keep the dog and felt it was their dog. >>reporter: manager of the clinic says he called the
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peninsula humane society and was told anyone who fine a dog and keeps it for 30 days without anybody claiming it well the dog is pretty much theirs. >> it's not a law. it's just what most shelters use as general rule of thumb. >>reporter: clinic man year says he heard the same thing from the san mateo police. >> because the people had had the dog more than 30 days under the law it was now their dog. >>reporter: does that make sense to you. >> it doesn't make sense to me but i'm bound to abide. >>reporter: when she got to the clinic with the dog license and papers and police report from seven years ago none of that mattered. >> my dog had been given to the person that brought the dog in. i was absolutely horrified. >>reporter: veterinary clinic did put her on the phone with the young man who took her dog. >> he said i fund your dog. i love your dog and i'm not giving your dog back. >>reporter: why not wait until the woman got here with the documents to prove that it was her dog? she was on her way down. >> again we were following the instructions we were given.
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>>reporter: common sense. >> well common sense is one thing. the law is another. >>reporter: watch commander at the police department told me tonight he was not on duty when this happened but he has never heard of a 30 day finer keeper law. we want to talk with the south san francisco man who has the dog. but the clip ick wouldn't give us his name. clinic won't give the information to mary. she has to get a subpena. dan. >> okay thanks very much. mark reporting. dog's name is little girl sky independent study released today found no problem with pg&e smart meter that are so controversial. thousands of customers complained about high energy bills soon after pg&e started installing the meters. however the report blasted pg&e customer service saying customers were consistently treated as if they were wrong. in addition some customers saw higher bills because the meter intake litigation coincide with the heat wave and rate increases. >> no surprise to anyone that
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lives in pg&e territory that the customer service could be bet. we know that. however all this investigation does not put all the customer concerns to rest. absolutely not. >>reporter: and among those concerns possible communication flaw in the smart meter system. the structure group which conducted this study confirmed to receive on your side today that it did not investigate that. >> republican candidate for governor meg whitman discussed from jury duty. she was part of san mateo county jury pool chosen today to hear the case of suspected child molester. the trillion is expected to last about a month. whitman said she would have served it if selected even if it interrupted her campaign. >> in agca moment that would go down as most painful moment in political debate hirs history. here's arizona governor brewer during her opening remarks. >> we have done everything that we could possibly do p.m.
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if. >>reporter: governor brewer later described the moment as a brain freeze saying she's just human. after wards though she bolted from t post debate question and answer session with reporters after they wanted her to explain her remark that bodies were found beheaded in the arizona desert. it became an internet sensation. >> sandy has been tracking hurricane earl for us in. again a glancing blow it looks like along the carolina coast line. what are you expecting the storm to do. >>reporter: well the storm will continue to bring heavy rain wind and the potential for dangerous rip current. let's look at the storm. is a very large storm as you can see here. hurricane earl category 2 packing maximum sustained winds of 105 miles an hour and it is tracking to the north northeast at 18 miles an hour. remember the storm was category 4 just yesterday so it has weakened considerably. the aye of the
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-- eye of the storm in the as well defined. on live doppler 7 hd the heavy band of rain have been impacting the outer bank of north carolina. we have some reports out of there. the tv wednesday gust out of the north northwest at 35 and cape look out 48 miles an hour wind gust.i'll take you in a little bit closer here. you can see the yellow and orange indicating the heavier rainfall. right now around hat has moderate rain and wind gust close to 47 miles an hour so the wind and rain big factor and if traveling take a look at the forecast animation this is expected to continue to weaken as it skirts up the coast line of the eastern sea board. it is expected to weaken to a category 1 by friday evening and then continue its way upwards. this storm here has prompted hurricane warnings from north carolina all the way up to cape cod area and just certain sections. but keep in mind the tropical storm force wind will be felt across many parts of the east
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coast here as the storm continues to skirt up the coast lane. it is expected to move quakily which will lessen its impact heading that the next 24 hours. her in the bay area the biggest impact as you see from our high definition mountain tamalpiais camera. the fog returned in full force at the coast line. the sea breeze was back and the combination of the 2 took the temperatures down at the coast. we told you it would be cooler at the coast and warmer inland that's exactly what we saw. 76 in santa cruz today. half man bay 68 degrees. san francisco only 83. but triple digit heat. inland around morgan hill livermore mayor field these temperatures well above average for this time of year. it was 96 in san jose. plenty hot in concord. napa. 99 degrees. numbers right now still on the mild to warm side well inland with 70's and 80's but look at the temperatures right near the coast and in the north bay in the 50's so we have seen a considerable drop-off in the numbers along
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the coast line as much as 10 degrees. dense fog at the coast tonight. cooler coast in bay tomorrow and cooler conditions in all areas this weekend. so tonight the fog is back at the coast. it is going to work its way up into the north bay. a little bit by morning. look out for locally dense fog. half machine bay already reporting visibility down to a quarter of a mile in places like what the tonville and monterey down to a mile. in the morning during the commute the fog will be around. low 50's to low 60's for your temperatures. it is a spare the air day with poor air quality in the independent land east bay and santa clara valley moderate air quality for the north bay. here are the high for the friday in the south bay. upper 80's san jose and cupertino. nice day on the peninsula. cooler. 65 on the coast in pacifica. downtown san francisco down a few. 74 degrees and in the north bay upper 80's for santa rosa, vallejo east bay 82 in san leandro. 79 for new oakland. still going to feel the heat inland. mid 90's for
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concord livermore and monterey bay 74 degrees in monterey. tomorrow still hot inland. in the quite as hot. cooling continues right through the weekend. mid 80's by sunday. by libb day slight rebound but no major heat expected. no major cool down. certainly will feel the cooling inland heading into the next couple days. >> thanks sandy. >> coming up next. measuring the force of an nfl collision. >> stanford project that is taking hits
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curves in all the right places. yoplait. it is so good. >> sports medicine orthopedist from stanford trying to make football safer. dr. daniel is working with the 49 ers to precisely measure the impact of the hits that pro football players routinely enduvrment it would make it easier to tell whether to take a player out of the game. the doctor developed a vest with pressure sensors which some 49 ers have been wearing during pre-season games. >> what would surprise you. >> the force two bodies manufacturing quickly and absorbing tremendous amount of force and i don't think i would be able to absorb that
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and get up. >>reporter: he's also a forty-niner team physician. stanford the only academic research hospital providing comprehensive medical care for nfl team. >> those hits the are. >> brutal. hard to watch. >> speak of niners. >> not an easy way to make a living. only few guys that can last for years and years. niners close-out the pre-season. one guy stood out. star of training camp. dixon rookie out of mississisisisisisisisisisisisisisisisi;t;t;t
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♪ stinky ♪ ♪ hefty ♪ ♪ stinky ♪ ♪ hefty ♪ ♪ stinky, stinky ♪ ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty ♪ [ announcer ] hefty bags with unscented odor block technology... help neutralize odors and stop the stinkies. ♪ stinky, stinky, stinky ♪ ♪ hefty, hefty, hefty ♪ >> good evening. 49 ers wrap up the pre-season against the chargers. most of the big names on offense didn't play. key tonight do not get hurt. rookie dixon what a pre-soap the kid is having. takes the pitch. play designed to go left. he tacit right and he's gone. 2 35 pounds. 46 yards to the house. 7 nothing niners. second quarter. to the end zone here. taylor center field. got rock. but
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holds on and fourth quarter chargers up 14-10. davis to jay who that's the game winning score. 17-14. niners complete a perfect pre-season 4 and o and the coach just glad it is over. >> glad to get it over with. i thought it was okay. i thought guys came out. it was a good game to win. good game to close-out on. >>reporter: all right. niners hosting carol and seahawks at the coliseum. pair of touch down passes. this is screen. great block by daniel. big line man. knock people out of the way. 32 yards for the score. 7 nothing raid nothing raiders. the brad and higgins 9 yard touch down. one point game in the third. miller has to make the team. kyle perfect lob. raiders finish 3 and 1. >> feels good to win no matter
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pre-regular season or whatever it is. we have to understand though the intensity to focus. attention to detail has to pick up now. now is the season. now the stuff count. >>reporter: in hawaii college football in. usc in a gym that turned out to be closer than some of us had expected. i'm hawaii alum. i was doing the hawk like these gays before the game. i was going to hit somebody. i don't want to get hurt. late in the first half ryan took him down the side line. aloha. usc still leading 27-16 at the half. salute stud for the trojans. fearless on the punt return. scored 3 touch downs. 89 yards. 5 td passes in the fourth now 42-23 sc in the debut here. a's happy to get out of the bronx. look like the a's were swinging tooth pick today. pride of vallejo eighth innings. generate a
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harmless single in the second. major first 19 game win they are year at 290 pound. evoked about how he felt like offensive line man out there. leveling line backers. all the help they needed. that's gone. 16th of the year and hit 17th in the next inning. yankees win it 5 zip and completed. >> very nice. >> thanks larry. >> nature license coming up next. thanks for watching. >> have a good [ female announcer at jcpenney red zone clearance, get 80% savings on final markdowns including 80% off clothes, shoes, accessories and 80% off home! did we mention our red zone clearance final markdowns are 80% off? who knew shopping could be so rewarding? jcpenney. you can see
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